Saturday, November 15, 2008

An afternoon in the park

Today I spent the afternoon at a park near Ho Chi Minh City with Ruth and Patrick. Urban parks across the world have a common appeal: they all, or I assume most, offer a highly designed, placid sanctuary away from the ceaseless activity and weird humanity of a big city. But this park, despite having the recognizable serenity, beauty and gently curving pathways of many others, was a bit unusual. Mixed up in the place were ornate Buddhist shrines, tiny gingerbread cottages for rent, and big fake animals, as well as skeletal real ones locked up in muddy pens (I didn’t take photos of the real animals because I knew some people reading this would not be able to stomach such pitiful creatures. So I took pictures of the fake ones, which were pretty cute.)


  1. hi, im a vietnamese. it seems u just been to vietnam for a short time. where will u be teaching english? Apollo?

    actually, the traffic in vietnam is awful. some people drive very carelessly :)

  2. I also like the scraggle factor blog! Where did she get the name, I wonder?

    Quynh yen, I think your english is very good! You are a good communicator.

  3. Hi Quynh Yen -- I'm first studying at ILA and then will teach and volunteer. The traffic is indeed outrageous here! My friend crashed his motorbike yesterday at a traffic circle but thankfully was OK, as was the other driver.
    Fuzzy -- I think scraggle factors refer to a variety of things that struggle to remain well coiffed. Thanks for your comments!

  4. The traffic in Vietnam is unsafe, to many motocyles in the narrow road. Especially the buses, people called them as "a super monster of the road".
