Wednesday, November 19, 2008

An exemplary comrade

I'm quite busy in my course and being a touch confused. Here's an odd story in the daily English language newspaper.

SOC TRANG — A farmer in the southern province of Soc Trang has been
nominated for the Guinness Records Viet Nam, because of his 30-year
obsession with the life and times of President Ho Chi Minh.

Nguyen Van Nhung, who lives in Thoi An Hoi Commune, Ke Sach District
has spent the last three decades collecting Ho Chi Minh memorabilia,
including over 1,500 photos, thousands of articles, paintings and
poems by the national icon. "I've been fascinated with Uncle Ho since
I was a child," Nhung says. "My grandmother used to tell me stories
about him, as did soldiers stationed in our town. I developed a deep
respect for our leader when I was quite young."

As a poor farmer, Nhung often worries about getting enough to eat, but
he insists his library of President Ho documents is his solace in

To read more:

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