Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yin yang, more food

Beware, photos of grotesque dishes below that were really delicious but look hideous here!

The other day I had lunch with some other foreigners and we were served french fries with a small dish of salt to accompany them. Someone dribbled the salt onto the fries, and only when we bit in did we realize that we had been served sugar. As I chewed I decided it was not awful, the salty fry with the sweetness. Two days later, I bought a bowl of fruit for breakfast and the woman made up a plate for me with a small amount of salt flavored with hot pepper to go with my pineapple and papaya. (Left on dish.) It wasn't so good this time.

This woman cooks at the end of my alley, and she makes the most delicious unidentifiable food! ...Although I'm zeroing in on the ingredients. It probably doesn't have enough vitamins and minerals to keep me from contracting Dengue fever, but it's yummy. (This photo is washed out...very smoky and I am finding that I can't upload edited images for some reason.)

This seems like it might be a fairly reliable essay on Vietnamese food.

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