Sunday, November 23, 2008

A mundane shopping trip, with no pics of any stores

Lena, who is from Vietnam and went to university in the states and is studying to be an ESL teacher, took me to a cheap place to buy clothes called Saigon Square, and later to Lucky Plaza. The shopping excursion wasn't very lucky. Along the way, we saw this fat furry sausage on the street. Here's a close-up.

Below is a pic of Ben and Lena, which I've included to tell Mum about Ben, who was a peace studies student at the University of Bradford and knew about Grandaddyaddy. Lena's helping Ben with some of the tonal sounds of Vietnamese here. We met him for lunch at his cousin's cafe, which had an exciting, extensive menu of dishes that it didn't actually have the ingredients for, such as a brie, artichoke and pesto sandwich. It did have rice, beef, chicken, tofu and green beans, so that is what we ate.

Finally, Lena and I drove down this street lined with party banners. She said there was some type of government conference going on. The party is not terribly popular here. The banner says something like, A warm welcome to the delegates from the Fatherland Front Office.

Oh, last but not least on this uneventful, overcast day, I am including a picture of my very simple hotel room after having requests from both Mum and Brian to see it (I'm not sure why, but that's OK, I appreciate the interest!). It looks quite drab, but it actually has its charms. Below this pic is a view at night of the bright Buddhist shrine in someone's apartment as seen from my window.

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