Monday, December 15, 2008

Halong Bay blues

Vietnam is really into its karsts in Halong Bay. They've been named a World Heritage Site twice and had they not been served up with so much blasé touristy attitude, they would be really beautiful.

Ok, the industry around them does not detract fully from their pure loveliness. In the slight haze that hung over the sea today -- which painted everything in the same palette -- each receding layer of rocky outcropping assumed a slightly paler shade of blue.

There are several small communities of businesses and homes in the still waters between the limestone karsts. Even a Sacombank branch -- a big Vietnamese bank -- was floating out there.

A traveling shop. Coconut peanuts were 2,000 dong.

A fisherman's bounty.

Dog update: I've seen a lot of these dogs sniffing around the place up here in the north. They're the same dogs people eat. And the breed clearly serves as pets because they're always hanging around homes and shops without leashes and wagging their tails.

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