Friday, December 19, 2008

More pics from Go Vap orphanage

I spent some time with the terminal kids today, as Stephanie calls them, the ones who are waiting to die in the orphanage. Some of them have been in there for years. I am always amazed by how a few of the more alert kids immediately react when a stranger walks into the room, as if they can feel the air shift with your entrance. Their eyes follow you until you connect with them, and then they smile hugely trying to invite you their way. As soon as you rub their tummy or pet their head or pull their ears -- which is pretty much the extent of activities you can do with most of them -- they start squirming and giggling. It's enough, it seems, just to be touched. But I'd say only a third or fewer are responsive (although I have a feeling if you tried to interact, some of the motionless children would start stirring. Next visit I hope to get up the courage to approach them.)

This little boy looked like an old man, and even had smile lines between his brow. I couldn't believe it -- wrinkles on a small child.

This poor boy was moaning and crying. I was too frightened to interact with him, which I feel horribly about. What disease does he have, where he is permanently coiled like this -- Mum?

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