Monday, December 22, 2008

A tour through Lena's spartan home

The orange living room. That's old furniture that used to belong to Lena's grandparents. Everything is set very close to the ground.

The kitchen counters are also quite small, they come up to mid-thigh, or thereabouts. Lena has a wonderful rice cooker (the plump white gadget on the far left).

Lena painting.

The movie room on the second floor. Lena has a projector.

My bed!

The balcony outside my bedroom (on the right). Lena's bedroom is on the left.

This pic is for anthropological purposes: I have yet to encounter a shower curtain in Vietnam!

Washing machine, bike and laundry hanging out to dry.

So that's that. I like it here very much and am relieved to have found Lena!

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